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PersonID 19667
Alexei Semenov
ID: semenov.alexei-l
AuthorID: 218197
Spin 2289-1720
AuthorID 7402499019
A. Semenov
Alexei Semenov
Development of teaching materials
Educational and methodical complex «Informatics 3-4» part 1 (English transl.)
A. L. Semenov, T. A. Rudchenko
M .: Prosveshcheniye, INT, 2011-2021
Publication of textbooks
in 2021
1. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics 3-4 grades. Part 1. Textbook for general education. organizations, M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, 8.95 academic-ed. l., series "School of Russia", 2021, ed. 3rd, ISBN 978-5-09-077543-4, circulation 3,000.

2. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics 3-4 grades. Part 1. Workbook. Textbook for general education. organizations, M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, 4.29 academic-ed. l., series "School of Russia", 2021, ed. 3rd, ISBN 978-5-09-078917-2, circulation 5.5 thousand.

3. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics 3-4 grades. Part 2. Textbook for general education. organizations, M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, 8.99 academic-ed. l., series "School of Russia", 2021, ed. 3rd, ISBN 978-5-09-077544-1, circulation 3,000.

4. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics 3-4 grades. Part 2. Workbook. Textbook for general education. organizations, M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, 5.41 academic-ed. l., series "School of Russia", 2021, ed. 3rd, ISBN 978-5-09-078918-9, circulation 6.5 thousand.

5. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics 3-4 grades. Part 2. Notebook of projects. Textbook for general education. organizations, M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, 4.22 academic-ed. sheet, “School of Russia” series, 2021, 3rd edition, ISBN 9978-5-09-086735-1, circulation 0.5 thousand.

6. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics 3-4 grades. Part 3. Textbook for general education. organizations, M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, 6.73 ac.-ed. l., series "School of Russia", 2021, ed. 3rd, ISBN 978-5-09-077545-8, circulation 3,000.

7. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics 3-4 grades. Part 3. Workbook. Textbook for general education. organizations, M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, 6.39 academic-ed. l., series "School of Russia", 2021, ed. 2nd. ISBN 978-5-09-078919-6, circulation 5,000.

8. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics 3-4 grades. Part 3. Notebook of projects. Textbook for general education. organizations, M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, 4.24 academic-ed. l., series "School of Russia", 2021, ed. 3rd, ISBN 978-5-09-086647-7, circulation 0.5 thousand.

9. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics. 3-4 classes. Textbook for general education. organizations. At 3 o'clock Part 1. M .: "Enlightenment", a series of "School of Russia", 7.73 academic-ed. l., 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-090111-6, circulation 4 thousand copies

10. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics. 3-4 classes. Textbook for general education. organizations. At 3 o'clock. Part 2. M .: "Enlightenment", a series of "School of Russia", 7.73 academic-ed. l., 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-085130-5, circulation 4 thousand copies

11. Semenov A. L., Rudchenko T. A. Informatics. 3-4 classes. Textbook for general education. organizations. At 3 o'clock Part 3. M .: "Enlightenment", a series of "School of Russia", 7.73 academic-ed. l., 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-085132-9, circulation 4.5 thousand.

12. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. 1 class. Textbook for general education. institutions. M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, "Perspective" series, 6.94 ac.-ed. l., 12th ed. 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-078571-6, circulation 5.5 thousand.

13. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. 1 class. Workbook. Textbook for general education. organizations. M.: "Enlightenment", Institute of New Technologies, "Perspective" series, 6.01 academic-ed. l., 10th ed. 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-077546-5, circulation 10,000

14. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. 1 class. Project notebook. Textbook for general education. organizations. M.: "Enlightenment", Institute of New Technologies, "Perspective" series, 3.30 academic-ed. l., 9th ed. 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-088846-2, circulation 1,000

15. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. Grade 2 Textbook for general education. organizations. M.: "Enlightenment", Institute of New Technologies, "Perspective" series, 6.18 academic-ed. l., 11th ed. 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-077547-2, circulation 6.5 thousand

16. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. Grade 2 Workbook. Textbook for general education. organizations. M .: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, Federal State Educational Standard, series "Perspective", 3.45 ac.-ed. l., 10th ed. 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-077291-4, circulation 19,000

17. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. Grade 2 Project notebook. Textbook for general education. organizations. M .: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, Federal State Educational Standards, series "Perspective", 3.27 ac.-ed. l., 9th ed. 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-086648-4, circulation 0.4 thousand

18. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. Grade 3 Textbook for general education. organizations. M.: "Enlightenment", Institute of New Technologies, series "Perspective", 9.05 academic-ed. l., 10th ed. 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-078572-3, circulation 8,000

19. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. Grade 3 Workbook. Textbook for general education. organizations. M .: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, Federal State Educational Standard, series "Perspective", 5.41 academic-ed. l., 10th ed. 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-077932-6, circulation 8.5 thousand.

20. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. Grade 3 Project notebook. Textbook for general education. organizations. M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, "Perspective" series, 6.91 academic-ed. l., 8th ed. 2021, ISBN 978-5-09-086649-1, circulation 0.6 thousand

21. Rudchenko T. A., Semenov A. L. Informatics. 4th grade. Textbook for general education. organizations. M.: "Prosveshchenie", Institute of New Technologies, "Perspective" series, 6.73 ac.-ed. l.,
Development of a digital educational and methodological complex
in informatics and digital technologies for the basic school
Read more about the project at the link
Development of an integrated course "Informatics" for primary school
grades 1–4, 3–4, 5–6, which includes textbooks, workbooks and teaching aids for teachers, as well as a computer component
Read more about the project at the link
Development of an innovative integrated course "Mathematics and Informatics" for primary school
created in full compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of 2010
The course also combines all the content of the mathematical and informational components of primary education, includes textbooks, workbooks, project notebooks, methodological and computer support.

Read more about the project at the link
Open and Distance Learning/Trends, Policy and Strategy Consideration UNESСO, Paris. 2002.
Telecommunication in the methodological space // Informatics and Education. - 1998. - No. 8.
Special children and technologies // Approaches to the rehabilitation of children with disabilities by means of education / Institute of Pedagogical Innovations, Russian Academy of Education. - M., 1996 (co-authored).
Mathematical informatics at school // Informatics and education. - 1995. - No. 5.
Informatics 9–10 // VNTK "School-1", 1987 (co-authored).
Software development manager.