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PersonID 19667
Alexei Semenov
ID: semenov.alexei-l
AuthorID: 218197
Spin 2289-1720
AuthorID 7402499019
A. Semenov
Alexei Semenov
Activities in Russia
E-Pedagogy and the concept of professional ICT-competence of teacher were created and became the basis for teacher professional development.

Being the context of practical work in schools as a goal, motivation and verification condition, teacher development of ICT-competence needs also a systematic approach in formulation of its outcomes. The approach developed by Prof. Semenov and used in practical work of Moscow Institute of Open Education is based on the notion of teacher professional competence. ICT-competence of teacher is a combination of three components:

С1.1.1 General ICT-competence
С1.1.2 General pedagogical ICT-competence
С1.1.3 Subject specific ICT-competence

This notion can be applied as well to describe ICT-competence of learners.
An ability to learn, not to teach only, is an important quality of teacher for knowledge society. The process of all life learning for teachers and incorporating this process into teaching, involving students into it are promoted by Prof. Semenov as vital for the educational system of the country.

" ICT Competency Standards for Teachers' set up by UNESCO in cooperation with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Cisco, Intel Microsoft, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). They are in harmony with Prof. Semenov vision and are in the process of transfer to the work of MIOE in cooperation with Microsoft, Intel and Apple.

ICT-competence of learners and teachers
  • Input of information to computer: To prepare materials for lesson and during lesson the Teacher knows how to connect and use:
    • Scanner;
    • Digital camera;
    • Web-camera Digital video-camera;
    • Imager.
  • Graphics editors. The Teacher knows how:
    • To crop image;
    • To change format of a graphic file;
    • To optimize dimension and image resolution for Internet network, for own materials and School information environment.
  • Conceptual diagrams (mind maps).
  • Using Web browser, the Teacher knows how:
    • To find the site upon the known address;
    • Go to the link;
    • To open the link in the new window;
    • To save the page in computer and to save its link at "Favorites";
    • To use navigation buttons "back and forth";
    • To find necessary information on the page using keyword search;
    • To provide the search in retrieval systems (upon keywords, upon data entity attributes, upon catalogues, links).
General ICT-competence
General pedagogical ICT-competence
The Teacher knows how to use School Informational Environment (SIE), for example, MOODLE environment, for pedagogical process:
  • To register in SIE;
  • To subscribe for distribution at forum, to register as a student for a course at SIE;
  • To register students at course at SIE;
  • To use chat and Skype for communication to with colleagues and students;
  • To create structure and elements of the course at SIE;
  • To move, to edit course elements ;
  • To download files to the course, to move, to delete, to archive, to unpack archives;
  • To use files as resources: resources: graphics, sound, Flash, Quicktime, PDF;
  • To add to the course new "Resource" elements (graphics, sound, Flash, Quicktime, PDF , text with formatting elements, made in on-line word processor of educational environment; web-links; files, uploaded to the course) ;
  • To insert multimedia content to the text;
  • To add the "Task" element to the course (with an answer in the form of a text, with an answer in the form of a file);
  • To add to the course "Forum" element (simple discussion with the possibility to add new themes, standard forum for general discussions);
  • To review "Tests" results;
  • To form reports regarding activity of the Student.

  • The teacher has to know how to use didactical forms of lesson organization:
  • In lesson planning
    • To line up the lesson in logical sequence;
    • To introduce dynamics at the lesson, shift of activity for students;
    • To provide sufficient time for active work of students;
    • To describe the lesson in activity terms: what exactly students and teacher would do at all stages of the lesson.
    • To realize structural elements at the plan of the lesson: creation of the motivation; problem or task definition; learning of the new material (information); individual research, project or modelling activity of students (in groups, in twos or individually); presentation (defense) of the results of activity by students; reflection and full valuation of results/activity (qualitative valuation , valuation upon criteria and etc. ).
  • In elaboration of content of the lesson
    • To motivate students for future activity;
    • To be able to find descriptive material to provide accessibility to complex content;
    • To identify problem (contradiction) in studied material, which has to be resolved during the lesson;
    • To prepare clear and short tasks and questions;
    • To thing out project assignments;
    • To use methodology of scientist (physics, historian, theorist of literature, etc…) in lesson provision.
  • In selection of approaches, methods, forms of work (pedagogical means):
    • To organize individual research activity for students;
    • To use group forms of work;
    • To set up communication between students and intergroup interaction;
    • To plan and realize project activities for students in the frames of the lesson;
    • To use different pedagogical approaches to clarify complex material (i.e. examples, metaphora, schematization, visual representation, actable form and etc.);
    • To provide discussion, discourse, to listen student utterances observantly and reply to them;
    • To set up positive emotional background of the lesson (positive, humor, optimistic tune).
The Teacher has:
  • collection of references to Internet sources for his subject (links to portals and sites for methodological and pedagogical support: conferences, Olympiads, contests etc. for both teachers and pupils;
  • list of informational sources (collections, encyclopedia, library of visual aids, film collections and etc. ) for his subject.
Teacher is able
For the Teacher of Physics:
  • to use during the lesson and in preparation process digital educational instruments and environments:
  • Virtual construction kits;
  • digital laboratories;
  • Programs for collection, data analysis and test interpretations, visual tests analysis and etc.
  • To provide modern educational experiment at the lesson of physics, to use new possibilities and to enlarge spectrum of research activity;
  • To work out and to adapt author's laboratory works and experiments;
  • To organize field work for students in the course of physics training.
For the Teacher of Geography:
  • School geographic information system with the package of digital geographical maps;
  • Open Internet Systems - to work with geo data (digital maps and satellite images) like Google Earth, World Wind and etc.
  • To create personal digital maps with the use of school GIS and GPS-receiver;
  • To record parameters of natural and natural-anthropogenic environment with the help of digitizers and apparatus.
For the Teacher of Biology:
  • Programs for collection, data analysis and test interpretations, visual tests analysis and etc.;
  • Virtual constructors (for example, genetic constructors);
  • Digital atlases-identifiers;
  • Programs for creation of genealogical trees.
  • digital laboratories).
For the Teacher of Mathematics:
  • Virtual mathematical laboratories.
For Teacher of History:
  • Time liners;
  • Programs for creation of genealogical trees.
For the Teacher of Music:
  • Musical computer programs (note-editors,arrangers, audio-editors and programs for sound recording and midi-sequencers);
  • Synthesizer.
Subject specific ICT - competence
Teacher professional development is the major mission of the Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOE), led by Professor Alexei Semenov. Every year the Institute organizes dedicated e-pedagogy development for 5,000-10,000 teachers and introductory modules for 30.000 teachers with extensive of web-based content and technologies. The vision supporting this mission is based on learner-centred pedagogy collaboration and networking in an open and flexible environment.

Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOE) was established more than 70 years ago and now is an important part of the public school system of Moscow. It employs about 1200 personnel and provides in-service training and development for about 30 000 teachers of Moscow and other regions of Russia as well as guidance and support for more then 80 000 teachers. MIOE plays also the key role in the education and individual support for gifted children in Moscow and others regions of Russia. It also provides support by its expertise for the development and modernization of the regional educational system over the whole Russian Federation. From 1993 the head of the institute is Alexei L. Semenov.
Teacher development is the major mission of Moscow Institute of Open Education
Moscow Institute of Open Education has an assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science to provide consultance, training, and support services for other regions in their Complex Programs of Modernization of Education.
The magnet schools and resource centers based on them in cooperation with MIOE and Interschool Resource Centers are used to overcome digital and gender divide, multiply effect of research projects facilitate introduction of new standards, reach the greatest possible number of learners and raise the quality of teaching and learning.
Magnet schools – resource centers
School-based resource centers supported by MIOE produce their materials for teachers. Here are samples of visually rich (with Russian language comments) presentations for primary school teachers.
International study on technologies in school education SITES2006
International study on technologies in school education SITES2006 provided an independent international evaluation of the process of introducing of ICT in general education. The evaluation was based on responses of school principles, ICT-coordinators and teachers of math and science in 8th grades. Russian Federation and the City of Moscow participated in the Study. The results gave basis for important strategic decisions for Russia and Moscow.