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The relevance of L. D. Kudryavtsev’s ideas for education in the 21st century
VI International Conference “Functional Spaces. Differential operators. Problems of mathematical education”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences L. D. Kudryavtsev
November 14–19, 2023, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow
Report by A.L. Semenov “The relevance of L. D. Kudryavtsev’s ideas for education in the 21st century”, November 17
Definability Theory
Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Belgrade, Serbia.
June 2023
Report «Digital World: How long can a school hold the line?»
Scientific seminar «Irreversible and reversible processes in the education system».
Center for Pre-University Programs, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg
March 12, 2022
Plenary talk «Wiki - Socialization of the Mathematical Community»
«Wiki Conference 2022»
Saint Petersburg
September 24-25, 2022
International Conference "Mathematical Education - 9"
Yerevan, Armenia
October 7 - 8, 2021
Charter for the Digital School Path: Challenges and Perspectives
Fifth Annual Scientific and Practical Conference “Generation of Digital Socialization: Breaking the Stereotypes”
Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
February 3, 2021
Meeting with students of the Department of Mathematical Logic and Theory of Algorithms

March 19, 2021
International scientific conference "Fundamental problems of teaching mathematics, informatics and informatization of education"
Yelets, Lipetsk region
September 25-27, 2020
VI International Forum on Teacher Education "Perspectives and Priorities of Teacher Education in the Era of Transformations, Choices and Challenges" IFTE-2020
Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan
May 27 - June 9, 2020
98th meeting of the seminar "Philosophical-methodological and scientific-theoretical problems of AI" of the Scientific Council on Methodology of Artificial Intelligence at the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NSMI RAS), report "The Revolution of Artificial Intelligence and General Education".
Moscow, Institute of Philosophy RAS
January 16, 2020
Digital technologies in school and the future of school subjects
Report by A.L. Semenov within the framework of the seminar "Actual research and development in the field of education"
March 26, 2019
Report "Digital Reality of the School and Research Education" at the plenary session in the HoroSchool at the IX International Conference "Research Activities of Students in the Modern Educational Space"
February 8, 2018
Mathematical education as a driver of technological development
Webinar as part of the Moscow International Forum "City of Education" 2018
August 30, 2018
All-Russian Conference for Teachers of Mathematics 2018
From Mathematical Olympiads to the Final Results of Teaching Mathematics
All-Russian Pedagogical Marathon
April 2017
Digital transformation of education
Soloveichik Artyom Simonovich, editor-in-chief of the publishing house "First of September"
Semenov Aleksey Lvovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Education.
The speakers represent the latest trends in the development of education.
Three main questions about school
Blitz-interview of Alexey Semyonov to the official channel of the corporation "Russian Textbook
June 8, 2016
Math education concept
Interview of Alexey Semyonov to the official channel of the corporation "Russian Textbook"
August 6, 2016
Speech by Alexei Lvovich Semyonov at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Day 1
Hamburg, 2016
Speech by Alexei Lvovich Semyonov at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, day 2
Hamburg, 2016
Prospects for the Unified State Examination in the context of the development of mathematical education
A.L. Semenov at the conference "New School" in memory of A.A. Pinsky
School mathematics of the XXI century in Russia and in the world
November 17, 2015
Education as a resource for the development of society
Reliable school: meeting-discussion
Professional standard of a teacher
Lecture by A.L. Semenov as part of the All-Russian project "School of the Digital Age"
A.L. Semyonov at the strategic session of the Moscow State Pedagogical University-MGGU. M.A. Sholokhov
April 10, 2015
Alexey Semyonov about the festival "Listen and Say"
September 27, 2014
Round table "Philosophy of Education"
Moscow Institute of Open Education
November 28, 2013
Alexey Semyonov’s interview with the School Director publication during a break before the official awards ceremony for participants and winners of the All-Russian School Director 2013 competition
November 28, 2013
Math education concept
Moscow Pedagogical Marathon of Academic Subjects
Math Teacher's Day
April 2013
Qualitative theory of algorithms
Russian School Mathematical Education: Past and Present
Report by Academician Alexei L'vovich Semyonov at the General Meeting of the Branch of Mathematical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
December 17, 2012
Moscow, Mathematical Institute. V.A. Steklov Russian Academy of Sciences
Is it possible to apply for some school positions today?
December 4, 2012
Governor's readings: excerpt from Alexei Semyonov's speech
December 4, 2012
Education. Landmarks of the region
December 4, 2012
Fundamentals of the organization of the educational process
Scientific and practical conference "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of the educational process in primary and secondary schools in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education"

August 27, 2012
Modal logics
Summer School "Modern Mathematics", Dubna
July 23, 2011
Impossibility Proofs in Mathematical Logic and Algorithm Theory
Summer School "Modern Mathematics", Dubna
July 23, 2010
Expressibility and Resolvability
Summer School "Modern Mathematics", Dubna
July 22, 2009
“In mathematics, it is impossible to pretend. There's only truth here."
Alexey Semyonov's conversation with Nikolai Konstantinov
2007, Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education