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PersonID 19667
Alexei Semenov
ID: semenov.alexei-l
AuthorID: 218197
Spin 2289-1720
AuthorID 7402499019
A. Semenov
Alexei Semenov
Teacher development and support is provided by Moscow Institute of open education using ICT. It requires an adequate development of the pedagogical staff of the MIOE, access of teachers to Internet at home, at school or on the move. Organizing this is a part of the strategy.
On-line and off-line learning and teacher's support
The course of development for a teacher is motivated by the teacher needs, includes lesson's planning and preparing, and results in course lesson-by-lesson planned and stored in the information environment by the teacher. Adopted by the school of the teacher the planning and associated resources are used in the course and supported by support service .
The teacher training portal supports teacher training and hosts plans for each teacher:
Planning of teachers activity as the basis for teacher development
In her course, a teacher puts up a shedule of the proposed work and lesson-by-lesson plan, instructional resources and other materials to support each lesson
Materials provided by teacher and works of students are accommodated in the same environment where planning was done.
Evaluation of teacher's professional competences is based on digitized portfolio of:
  1. teacher's project and planning regarding the transformation of her/his practice (tied to a specific course of a subject or a cross-curricular project etc.);
  2. students' learning process and outcomes enabling them to live, work and perform well in a knowledge society.
Storing results of teacher (and students) work. Producing digital portfolios. Post-training evaluation and feedback in teacher development and support
The common information space for storing materials of teacher development, planning, implementation, teacher materials for students, student works, etc is the powerful tool for sharing experience, exchange ideas, mutual support and transforming the system of edeucation.
Collection "Teachers finds" (the All-Russia competition) on
Collection of teachers projects on
About port Pusan. Geography teacher Pavlova, Moscow school N25 (.pdf) from
TechnoLogia club is an educational Web community.
TechnoLogia Club was started in 1994 as a permanent open discussion group, some discussions were recapitulated and released in the Internet on a selective basis.
Since 2004, a web version of TechnoLogy Club has been maintained and constantly developed. Presently, the technology of multi-media based outlining is used, including videorecording and journaling of discussions and transmission of information to the Internet in the real-time mode.
The total number of participiants of the Club currently amount to 12,000 people, at that the regular base consists of about 400 people. The discussion groups include sections such as:
  • Developmental environments of the primary school
  • Information and multimedia technologies in project activity
  • Development of technolocical and information culture in school. Systems of support for integrated school information space.
  • New technologies in teaching Science
  • New technologies in teaching Arts
  • New technologies in teaching Mathematics
  • New technologies in teaching Home Economics and Art
  • Technologies of distance education
The TechnoLogia club
Information and Communication Technologies in Teacher Education: A Planning Guide (2002; available in 5 UN languages)
The international experience (including Russian) was synthesized in the book, used by Russian teacher training and development institutions also.
Improving the quality of education through the diversification of contents and methods and promoting experimentation, innovation, the diffusion and sharing of information and best practices as well as policy dialogue are UNESCO's strategic objectives in education. Educational systems around the world are under increasing pressure to use the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to teach students the knowledge and skills they need in the 21st century. The 1998 UNESCO World Education Report, Teachers and Teaching in a Changing World, describes the radical implications ICTs have for conventional teaching and learning. It predicts the transformation of the teaching-learning process and the way teachers and learners gain access to knowledge and information. With the emerging new technologies, the teaching profession is evolving from an emphasis on teacher-centred, lecture-based instruction to studentcentred, interactive learning environments. Designing and implementing successful ICT-enabled teacher education programmes is the key to fundamental, wide-ranging educational reforms.

Teacher education institutions may either assume a leadership role in the transformation of education or be left behind in the swirl of rapid technological change. For education to reap the full benefits of ICTs in learning, it is essential that pre- and in-service teachers are able to effectively use these new tools for learning. Teacher education institutions and programmes must provide the leadership for pre- and in-service teachers and model the new pedagogies and tools for learning.

Some practical answers to the increasing challenges posed by the new technologies to the teaching profession are offered in the present publication, entitled Information and Communication Technologies in Teacher Education: A Planning Guide. The document provides resources to help teacher educators, administrators and policy-makers better apply ICTs to teacher education programmes. The resources were developed by an international group of experts with extensive experience in the integration of ICTs into teacher preparation programmes.

The document proposes a framework for ICTs in teacher education, describes the essential conditions that must be met for successful technology integration and provides guidelines for the development of a strategic planning process. It also identifies important strategies for managing the change process in the teacher education programme as technology becomes a catalyst for transforming the teaching-learning process.

UNESCO would like to thank the contributors to this document, which we hope will generate great interest in Member States and will largely contribute to achieving UNESCO's main and overwhelming priority – the drive to meet the challenges of scope and scale of Education for All.

John Daniel
UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education